The Cambridge Eating Disorders Center provides a number of services and opportunities for professionals.
Professionals seeking to refer clients for an initial evaluation may do so by calling 888-900-CEDC (2332) or emailing us at Our staff and team are available to discuss our treatment programs via phone or email seven days a week.
Rest assured that we work closely with each client’s outpatient treatment team to coordinate care. Outpatient providers are actively encouraged to participate in the treatment team in person, via phone or skype. We encourage clients to have sessions and maintain contact with their outpatient providers while in our program. Our thoughtful process ensures a fluid transition back to the outpatient team.
If you are a physician, mental health professional, college/high school counselor or health services provider and are working with someone who is battling an eating disorder or may be at risk for developing one, we offer complimentary consultations.
CEDC provides in-service trainings on a wide variety of topics for professionals and educators wishing to learn about eating disorders or hone their skills in treating eating disorders. Topics include:
Eating Disorders: What Are They and What To Do
The Role of The Therapist; Treating Eating Disorders with CBT and DBT
DBT With A Twist
Eating Disorders in Midlife
Eating Disorders: What Schools Can Do
The Impact of Eating Disorders: Helping Families Cope
CEDC is committed to meeting the educational needs of professionals and educators in the New Hampshire area as well. If there is a topic that you need assistance with please call us at 888-900-CEDC (2332) or email to discuss your unique needs and we will devise a custom in-service training to meet that need.
In continuing our dedicated efforts to provide quality education and training to professionals in the area, CEDC of NH is pleased to offer onsite conferences. Our large, comfortable conference room hosts a variety of half-day and full day conferences which provide Continuing Education Units.
Sample conference topics include:
Strategies for Treatment Resistant Clients
Designing Effective Treatment Plans for Individuals with Eating Disorders and Co-occurring Disorders
Clinicians in Over Their Heads: Can I Do This?
Hope and Resilience in Recovery; Neuropsychology and Eating Disorders; Medical Management of Eating Disorders
New Horizons in the Treatment of Eating Disorders
Recovery Soup: The Clinician’s Toolbox for Treating Eating Disorders
The Physician’s Toolbox for Treating Eating Disorders
The Intersection of Eating Disorders and Addiction, and others.
Don’t miss these amazing training opportunities! Email us today at to be included on our mailing list.
CEDC hosts a number of Networking Lunches and Dinners throughout the year. Our Lunch and Learn program is an opportunity for area providers to come together to share resources, knowledge and to network. Come share your talents and get to know your colleagues!
Email us at to become part of these exciting networking opportunities!
Come train with CEDC! Social Work, Mental Health Counseling, and Psychology students will find enriching and transformative internship and postdoc experiences that will promote their professional growth in their respective fields.
For information please call CEDC at 888-900-2332 or email us at
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